
Our 'Death' Sentence

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Literature Text

    We were starving, everyone. We didn't know where we were, how we got there or who was running the place. The moans and complaints of the crowd filled my ears as I did my best to block out the world around me. I was sitting on a tree stump with my hands holding up my head as I leaned on my knees. Besides the few shacks scattered around, the place looked deserted. Hills all around and lightly-colored dust for ground instead of real dirt. It wasn't too hot but the environment made you feel like you were in a desert. Only us, a huge crowd of hungry and confused people stood here. My friends were here but I had lost track of them long ago. They were somewhere in this mess of people. Within the jumble of mindless remarks and questions, I was silent. I had given up on trying to beg and ask questions. No answers were coming. Although, most of the others had not figured that out yet. They must have been desperate.
    As the next hour went by, not much changed. There were still people running around searching for clues as to where they were and people who were crying out with lost hope, wishing for an answer. Still nothing. I still sat where I was. The only difference was I wasn't on the stump, I was on the ground next to it, slumped up against it, tired. I could feel sleep's shadow looming over me, waiting for me to give in. My eyes were drooping as the sound of the crowd began to somewhat fade from my conscience. I knew if anyone were to tell me something important now, I would hear it, and might respond coherently, but I wouldn't remember a thing when I awoke. Being half asleep was like being drunk for me. But within a few moments, I gave in.
    Everything started to shake as I could see my dream fading. Muffled words were beginning to penetrate them. I was waking up. The shaking continued as the real world came into view but I couldn't quite understand what was happening yet. A voice. No, two voices...? A yell. "Speedy, wake up!"
I groaned as I fought to continue my dreams. Another voice.
"Give me that water." Suddenly a cold sensation washed over my face as my eyes widened. I sat straight up as I began coughing from the surprise attack. More shaking. Someone's hands were on my shoulders. Now I was just irritated. Whoever did that must not know me because now I wouldn't be reasonable. "Ah, finally, you're awake." Hoodlum. That was my nickname for her that I used only when she wore her hood, and it fit perfectly. The sarcasm in her voice was evident. "What the crap did you do that for?"
"We were trying to wake you up."
"Clearly, but was the water really necessary?"
"It wasn't our idea." I quickly scanned the faces in front of me, realizing the group was all here and that that last voice belonged to James.
"I didn't think it was." I replied with obvious agitation. As I pushed myself up from the ground, with my hands on my knees, I shook my hair like a dog, the way I always did. I could hear short bursts of yells and protests as my friends all got rained on by my hair. I smirked at the amusement. "I think that was well-deserved."
    As my fiends each attempted to dry themselves off, I smiled with my hands on my hips, standing proud. I waited until they were ready to speak. The Hoodlum shook off the water quick, missing most but not caring. She still had something more important to say. I glanced over to her as she stared me down with her Really? look. "You done?" Nicole's voice.
"Sorry, couldn't help it."
"Obviously." Hoodlum again.
"So what exactly did you guys need from me so much that you had to wake me up with a fricking bucket of water?"
"We need answers."
"For what? How can I help?"
"We just want your opinion on something." Nicole again.
"What is it?" I folded my arms across my chest, suddenly suspicious of why they needed me.
"Where do you think the food is? Anyone in charge?"
"How should I know?" Something about her question was odd. She was hinting at something.
"How about looking around? The people."
    Within my crowd of friends, I hadn't noticed my surroundings. Everyone was gone. I could see scattered and mixed footprints but had no idea where they led. Now slightly concerned by the lack of people, I again scanned the faces in front of me. James, Hoodlum, Nicole, Falcon, Scott, Abbey...they all seemed to be here...Andrew. What? How did I miss him? And why hadn't anyone mentioned his absence before? My face must have revealed what I was thinking for James spoke. "Andrew went off to see if he could find anything."
"Or anyone." I quickly added, thinking about the people. Just then Falcon spun around, alert. She heard something. "Falcon." I called with a suspicious tone. She knew that I had seen her attention being drawn away. She looked at me with a guilty expression as if I had just caught her stealing a cookie from a jar.
"...That might be him." Hoodlum had been speaking but I was tuned out for the moment. A figure not too far off was running in our direction. The group continued their mystery chatter. I zoned out, focusing only on the figure. I studied they way they ran and in less than a minute I knew it was Andrew.
"Guys, guys. Guys!" The group stared at me. "It's him." Without another word, I broke through the huddle that we had formed while conversing and ran to Andrew. I didn't need to look back to know that the others were following but at a slower pace. All except for Hoodlum. She was the only one who would run with me. As I approached Andrew he came to a slow stop, as did we. I stood there searching his eyes for the words he couldn't speak while he was hunched over, hands on his knees. I could feel the energy of the group behind me. Somehow they didn't fall behind. "Andrew, what is it?" It suddenly seemed important that we get an answer immediately. I wanted to know. "It's...back...there." He pointed behind him in the general direction from which he came as he caught his breath. "Back where? What are you talking about?"
"The people..." Andrew straightened up, breathing easier now. "All the people are gathered back there. Some were saying the had found 'it'. I didn't know what they meant so I tried asking around but no one could be bothered to answer."
"Should we go...follow? I mean, I don't really see any other choice." James.
"I guess..." I looked between Andrew, James and the distance, thinking. The others fell silent as I began walking forward. "There's only one way to know and find out what's happening." I glanced back as I walked, hearing the shuffling steps of my friends following close behind.
    As we neared to the people, we could see a long line that stretched down the hill and over the other side. As much as we wanted to push our way over the hill and around these people, we assumed it would be best if we just 'blended in'. Joining the long line, it gave us a chance to somewhat relax ourselves and look around. In the midst of our own attempt of getting our bearings, I paused and, instead of looking around, I looked at my friends. Each wearing an almost cautious expression on their faces. It amused me slightly but I quickly readjusted my focus on the line. None of us had really noticed the line when it moved, but it was getting shorter. After some time of waiting, I felt a nudge against my shoulder and looked back only to meet James' eyes. I hadn't realized it before, but he was staying silent, along with the others. He didn't speak but he didn't have to. I knew what he was thinking. It was sort of odd that everyone seemed to be, content, waiting here for 'it', as Andrew had put it.
    With the minutes passing, they felt like hours but for some reason, no one complained. The sun was beating down hard and the people were still hungry. We waited, pondered, moved as the line moved, and mostly, we stayed quiet. We came to the peak of the hill when a voice suddenly caught my attention. I looked up, unaware if the others had also heard the voice. I squinted as my eyes strained to see farther than their capability. My ears perked up as I tried to listen to the voice but I couln't quite make out the words. I decided to give up on the attempts until I got closer.
    Finally, we reached the top and as I waited behind my friends, the voices became clear but the people didn't. Even though we could see them we had no idea who they were. Two men on both sides of the line. They were guiding the line towards the other side of the hill. Probably leading to 'it'. There was a break in the line. Half of it going downward and the other half going upward on the opposite side. A gap was left on the peak of the hill so no one could just stand there. Only two options. You go down or you stay going up and choose if you want to bail or not. As we walked past the two men, we looked down at what everyone was waiting for. A large makeshift camp spread across the land on this side. With hills surrounding it from just about every angle, it was hard to see the entire place from one point.
    Down below there were many people. Most of them, part of the group from the shack land. But there was another group of people all visible on their own. They all wore uniforms and looked official but not one carrying a weapon. I scanned the crowd and realized there was still no sign of any one person who looked to be in charge. All these uniforms and still no visible leader. The guards gestured down to the camp but in no exact direction so the group and I made our way down the hill, scanning over the area but not paying attention to detail. As we reached the bottom, we dispersed, each going our own way. I noticed a small cave closest to the base and decided to investigate it. As I came closer, I saw that no one was inside or even looking at this one. I carefully approached it, making my way inside and letting my eyes search. There wasn't much. It looked like it was abandoned and there was no sign of food in this cave. I began to turn around, seeing nothing of value here. But as I looked to the entrance, a large metal barred door closed over the entrance, slamming shut. My eyes widened as I quickly ran to the front, wrapping my fingers around the bars and looking out as I touched the cool metal. It felt like I could see now everything that was happening.
    I stared across from me and off to the right a bit to another cage similar to mine. The luring cave design surrounding that one as well. I looked to see if I knew who might be inside that one, hoping it wasn't one of my friends. But as I analyzed the area, I found Nicole in the cell. She wasn't just caged as I was but I could make out shapes of shackles on her wrists as she too now reached the bars and looked out. I looked away, unsure of how to feel or what to do. It made sense now. I knew what was happening. We weren't going to get food. We were going to be killed. Whoever ran the place was aware of the peoples' need and desperation for food. So they attracted everyone to the same place, making sure by the time you knew to escape, you couldn't. I released the bars and turned away, pacing back and forth beside the bars. Something was itching in my mind. It was like I knew something. Something that could help me, help my friends. Something that could save all of us. There had to be a way out of here. For every cage there is a key.
    I had already searched this small cave and there was no key. I dropped my head in thought as I stopped pacing and stood still. What if the key isn't a real key? The idea struck me suddenly. I brought my head up and rushed back to the bars, gripping them tightly. What if the key is a word? Death. Huh? the word tumbled out of my mouth without any thought. Death. I whispered it this time, feeling it roll off my tongue. Yes, something felt right about the word. Death. I said it louder now. Death. Death! The bars began to shake then as they seemingly unlocked. The hinges creaked as the door began to give way. I looked across to Nicole and in that instant made eye contact. Death! I yelled it across to her, hoping she would understand my absurd outburst. Recognition registered on her face as she heard it and her eyes grew wide. My door opened then and I ran out, being fast to check if the guards noticed. No guards. Again. This was odd. Whoever came up with sick idea got too confident for any guards at the doors. I ran to Nicole's cell as her shackles feel off and helped open her door. She stepped out, grabbing me by the shoulders, her eyes saying 'thank you'. I gave her the message to pass on the key and backed away, forcing her to let me go. She nodded and I turned away in the direction of the camp. I had to go further in and find the others. Whatever we were hoping to find, it certainly wasn't 'it'. No food, no help. This was a trap. And now the one word that could save us was the one thing that was to be the end of us. Death. This was supposed to be our death sentence.
Wow, another Dream Writing. It's been too long. And to think I've been working on this since December 24th. Well a lot of crazy things have happpened. Anyway, I had this dream a long time ago and I'm just surprised I remembered it all. And as usual, I had to add dialogue and some extra action in hopes of making this a story that made sense. Oh well, thanks for reading and Enjoy. =)
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